Урок - проект.
«Мы пишем краткую историю Великой Отечественной войны».
развить навыки говорения на английском языке, создать устойчивую психологическую установку на индивидуальный успех, развить навыки аудирования, выработать устойчивый интерес к изучению истории Великой Отечественной войны (с использованием краеведческого материала).
Ход урока
1. Дети встают и поют первый куплет песни «Священная война» (слова поэта Василия Ивановича Лебедева - Кумача, 1898 - 1949, и музыка композитора Александра Васильевича Александрова, 1883 - 1946).

2. Учитель: «Dear children! Dear our guests! We have gathered here in order to celebrate the 60th Anniversary of our Victory in Great Patriotic War. All of our thoughts and deeds nowadays are devoted to the heroic past of our people in 1941 - 1945".

3. Kharchenko - A hacker: "Be ready! I'm switching on the programme connected with the Great Patriotic War. Your task is to make up your own short texts about the periods of that war. But first of all you must translate the Russian information into English".
Харченко ставит компьютерный диск «От Кремля до Рейхстага». Работают 4 творческие группы, которые по очереди комментируют по - английски некоторые страницы из истории Великой Отечественной войны.

4. The first group: Tulenev (a speaker), Frolov, Bludova.
A speaker: "At the dawn on the 22nd of June in 1941 the fascists attacked the frontiers of the USSR. They used to conquer every country in a few days or weeks. They were sure to be successful in our Motherland too. But the invaders failed. There were three main targets in the USSR: to Leningrad (now St. Petersburgh), to Moscow and to Kiev. The invasion plan "Barbarossa" was fulfilled at the end of 1940 in order to occupy our country with the help of so called "fast war" ( «блицкриг» in German). The fascist armies defeated the Soviet troops near Minsk, but they couldn't seize the Brestskaya fortress either in June or in the most part of July".

5. Запись от первой группы в хронику войны (Харченко печатает на притере, а спикер группы читает).
"То the Chronicle" (Page 1. - "The Beginning"):
1) At the dawn on the 22nd of June in 1941 the fascists attacked the frontiers of the USSR.
2) There were three main targets in the USSR: to Leningrad, to Moscow and to Kiev.
3) The invasion plan "Barbarossa" was fulfilled at the end of 1940.
4) The fascist troops couldn't seize Brestskaya fortress either in June or in the most part of July.

6. The second group: Rozhkova (a speaker), Sosnina and Baibakov.
A speaker: "The main battle at the beginning of Great Patriotic War was the battle near Moscow from September 1941 till January 1942. The nazi plan "The Storm" was fulfilled on the 30th of September. On the fifth of December the Soviet armies suddenly for the enemies attacked them from the left flank and from the right one. General - in - Chief Georgi Konstantinovich Zhukov led in that great battle. But we mustn't forget about the labour of our people. Our citizens worked at factories, plants and in the country - side. It was impossible to win without our workers and peasants". 7.3апись от второй группы в хронику войны. "То the Chronicle" (Page 2. - "The Battle Near Moscow"):

1) The battle near Moscow was from September 1941 till January 1942.
2) The nazi plan "The Storm" was fulfilled on the 22nd of September.
 3) On the fifth of December the Soviet armies suddenly attacked the enemies from the left flank and from the right one.
4) It was possible to win only with thehelp of our workers and peasants".

8.The third group: Grigoriev (a speaker), Medvedeva and Plikin.
A speaker: "The most durable battle during the Second World War was the great battle near Stalingrad (nowadays it is called Volgograd, named after the Volga). On the 17th of July in 1942 more than one million German soldiers appeared between the Don and the Volga. Our troops couldn't stop them. In September the fascists tried to push on (I mean in the city).
They could invade some parts of the city and even tried to go over to the another bank of the Volga. Everyone knows about "Pavlov's House" where 20 soldiers of different nations defended the walls of this building approximately two months. On the 2n of February in 1943 our troops cut the Hitlerite troops up into two parts and captivated 300.000 soldiers and

9. Запись от третьей группы в хронику войны.
"То the Chronicle" (Page 3. - "The Battle Near Stalingrad"):
1) The most durable battle during the Second World War was the great battle near Stalingrad.
2) Everyone knows about "Pavlov's House" where 20 soldiers of different nations defended the walls of this building approximately two months.
3) On the 2nd of February in 1943 our troops cut the Hitlerite troops up into two parts and captivated 300.000 soldiers and officers".

10. The fourth group: Santalova (a speaker). Stromov and Petrov.
A speaker: "In spring 1945 our Army freed a few countries in Western Europe and came to Berlin, the capital of nazi Germany. The enemies fought on brutally but in spite of their resistance our brave armies seized Berlin. On the first of May a Russian Egorov and a Georgian Kantariya climbed up the Reichstag and hoisted the Banner of Victory over the city".

11. Запись четвёртой группы в хронику войны.
"То the Chronicle" (Page 4. - "The Great Victor)'"):
1) In spring 1945 our Army came to Berlin, the capital of Germany.
2) On the first of May the Banner of Victory had been hoisted on the Reichstag".

12. A Researcher - Gorelkin: "I suggest to you to pay attention to this cassette. You can see
here a few episodes devoted to the contribution of our Rasskazovo town to the mutual
victory. Your task is to listen to the text and write down a few main sentences in your own
exercise - books".

13. Аудирование - учащиеся смотрят видеокассету с записью 3-х мест города Рассказова, связанных с участием нашего города в Великой Отечественной войне.
"The Places of Interest".
Teacher: "We, the teachers of our school, want to suggest to you a very interesting route
round our Rasskazovo town".
       1)  "I'd like to pay your attention to Pushkin Street. Nowadays the school number one is situated here. And approximately 70 years ago two great pupils were studying there. Their names are Alexander Berbeshkin and Benjamin Lakhonin. They had been taken to the front from the very beginning of Great Patriotic War. Alexander Berbeshkin was fighting in infantry. And his schoolmate Benjamin Lakhonin protected the air of our Motherland . He took part in air - raids to Berlin, the capital of fascist Germany. Ht was killed at the end of December in 1941. They both had become the heroes of the USSR. This Memorial Board was opened in 1975 when our people celebrated the 30th Anniversary of our Victory in Great Patriotic War. Here everyone can read only a few words about them. But we are very proud that they lived and studied in our school named after great Russian poet Alexander Pushkin. Look at the next Board. It is devoted to our pupil as well. His name is Alexander Komyagin. He was murdered in Chechnya in 2000 fighting against the brutal killers. He saved all of us. We remember these three Heroes that have become the shield of Russia".
      2) "Look at the this place. This is the main street of our Rasskazovo town - Sovetskaya street. There are about 30 km to Tambov. In nearby forest in 1942 - 1943 the 24th guardian division of infantry of Soviet Army was located. It was organized according to the Order of our Government in order to attack the fascist army at Stalingrad. As you know at the beginning of 1943 more than 300. 000 enemies were encircled there. The task was to destroy the Hitlerite troops. With the help of our townsmen the enemies were defeated. About 30. 000 of our inhabitants went to save our land. They bravely attacked
the nazis. We mustn't forget about their heroic deeds. At the center of our small town in 2000 this Monument was opened. It is devoted to the 24th division. It's made of granite. The golden letters tell us about the heroic way of old generation".
3) "Now we are at the northern part of our town. It is called "Arzhenka" (after the local river). About one hundred years ago this place belonged to the rich family , the Aseevs. In 1941 - 1945 the military hospital was situated in this building. Hundreds of wounded soldiers were treated in its rooms. Most of them participated in the battles after the treatment. We can't help admiring the work of our surgeons. As I have already mentioned it was impossible to study in this awful period. But it was a contribution to the cause of mutual Victory".
14.Мини - изложения в творческих группах по итогам аудирования.

15. Антоненко вводит тестовое задание:
"And now you should answer our questions connected with the Great Patriotic War. And write down your own thoughts about the military service".

16. Работа с тестовым заданием.
1) "Would you be so kind as to write a few sentences about significance of Victory in Great
Patriotic War".
2) "Write down a few words about your attitude to the military service".
Примерные ответы на задания.
1) "I'm proud of this Victory because our great and brave ancestors saved the lives on our
Motherland. My great - grandparents took part in that war as well. They didn't think
about themselves. That's why we won over fascism".
2) "As for me I'm sure that every boy must serve in our Army in order to become a man.
It's impossible to image for myself that my schoolmates won't defend our land".

17. Pupils tell us about their ancestors.

18. «Учащиеся - корреспонденты Би - Би - Си» (Орлов, Кожевникова, Князян,
Кулагина) берут интервью у матери Героя России - Комягиной Татьяны Алексеевны.
а) Чем интересовался Александр в детстве?
б) Какое блюдо у Александра было самое любимое?
в) Какое слово у Александра было самое любимое?
Учащиеся синхронно переводят ответы на английский язык.

19. Учащиеся завершают урок английской песней "We shall overcome".

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